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voting in society

What classifies us as being American citizens? Why is there an America? Why is America admired throughout the world? In all these answers one would tell you democracy. As a global society America is the eager teenager protesting their new thought democracy. Democracy, a principle that has created enemies and friends, war and even model governments all over the world. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary the definition of democracy is a government by the people; the people hold rule of majority a government in witch a supreme power, or in simpler terms majority rules. The people that built the united states of America had no idea that their creation would become a world power as explained in many history books they where the outcasts coming to a new land to start over. Back to the word democracy or by the people: at the time the creators of the constitution without the future we have now in mind they made laws based on the current time. In making decision of who would run this great democracy there had to be a way to choose the leader of the executive branch. Naturally, “for the people by the people and of the people” would have been in mind. However you must think of the people at the time. In the eyes of some of the framers of the constitution some of the people were not educated nor had the government that they created been mature. However more than anything else due to lack of mass communication that we now have today people where easily mislead. Most framers felt that the representinitive that the people chose should elect the leader seeing both sides the framers chose a compromise to have a popular vote and implemented a system called the Electoral College. According the Encarta encyclopedia software. The description of Electoral College is collective name for the electors who nominally choose the president and vice president of the United States. This group comprises the electors from the sepa...

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