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CHARLEMAGNECharlemagne was the eldest son of Frankish king Pepin the Short and the grandson of Charles Martel of Carolingians. He was born on April 2, 742 A.D. at Aachen ( Aix - la - Chapelle). He was the only Frankish king who was well known through out Europe during the Middle Ages that he receive a name like Charles the Great, Carolus Magnus. He had the strong Frankish armies and established his rule in most of western and central Europe. He had conquered up the Bavarians and move on to conquered the empire of Avars which would be modern Hungary and Austria and his land had expanded out to the south of Danube in 788 A.D. As a frankish king, he had out done his predecessor in conquered up the land and converted people in to his tribe. In 800 A.D., Charlemagne was crowned and given the title of the emperor by Pope Leo III on Christmas day at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. As a result of his coronation the former Roman empire in West Europe was split between Byzantine and Roman empires with the pope recognized Charlemagne as a legitimate ruler.During his reign, one would see that he brought about the changed in his governments. That would enable him to supervise them even in the most distant land with his missi dominici, who were the personal representative with wide power to inspected their assigned district. He also educated his clergy and he would appointed the bishop himself, he was the arbiter of the theological disputed. He had created school for his officer and himsefl2. MACHIAVELLIMachiavelli (1469 - 1527) was an Italian historian, and a political philosopher, whose influential writing on staescraft have made him famous. He was well known for his cunning and duplicity. He was born in Florence, and he was considered to be one of the outstanding figures of the Renaissance. He had established himself working under the political service of the Florentine Republic that he was able to improve his connection with important ...

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