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venus and men

I am following up on the book of , “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.” by “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus” was been a very interestingbook. The book brought up some very interesting facts about both sexes. While alsoremaining very general to cover basically everyone and simple for everyone to understand. So simple in fact that I saw everything in there as being common sense; but also at the sametime being hidden from the obvious senses. In the past the news has done interviews with John Gray and his recent students. It hasbasically shown that whoever who has gone to John Gray for advice in a troubledrelationship has came out as basically a new couple. I find it hard to believe for one man tohave all the answers. Also why is he seems to be the only one with the answers? Why areall the other men in the dark about women? Why are so many women in the dark aboutmen? Now I will look into the book to see just what makes John Gray so good in the field ofopposite sexes. I am just going to sum up the points in the book. Right off the bat Graystates that we men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Gray states out thetendencies Martians tend to have. Also he states out how the Venusians are like in their timein Venus. But the interesting part is he states out these qualities by giving the two differentstories of origins. Gray lets us know that “Martians” and Venusians are of two differentspecies. And that to start loving one another we have to except these differences and learnmore about the other race. One difference is Martians and Venusians speak different languages. “The Martians andVenusians languages had the same words, but the way they were used gave differentmeanings.” (pg. 59) Miscommunication. John Gray shows a very obvious point of whymen and women sometimes have such hard times getting along to each other. We men ten...

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