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usa budgeting

Were congressional powers are limited in regards to the budget; the executive is strong and vice versa. But it should be understood that each branch takes the other into account when advocating policy (Lee & Johnson, pg 236). Congress’s power of the purse is the executive’s limit to power, and the executive power of veto and line item veto is the congresses weakness. The scope of their powers in regards to the budget vary from legal limits to administrative limits.Legally, congresses limits are the executive’s powers. The executive can veto legislation all together or at least line item off the parts of the legislation he/she doesn’t like. The veto power can be used as a form of intimidation or threat to get the executive’s agenda out or it can also be used to prevent pork barreling. Impoundment is also a power of the president that can be used against congress. Impoundment can be used by the president to either control spending, or just not spend funds available for a program that he/she dislikes. Administratively, congress is limited in power when the houses are divided, or if the president is of an opposite party, the clout diminishes. Another reason why congress is limited in power is that the budget may be uncontrollable, or committees are too large. When committees are too large, things on the agenda are hard to do because of scheduling. When all committee members are not present a senior member will act and vote in their place. Subcommittees are established with less senior staff diluting the power of the committee chairs. The limits to executive power are usually the reverse of the powers of congress. Congress has power of the purse; the executive proposes programs on his agenda, but ultimately its up to the congress to fund it. Congress may give limited funding making the program weak. Congress also has oversight power. A program that was not well liked by congress can be under fun...

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