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us currency

A persuasive research paper Paper money has been in circulation in the US for over 150 years. Money is one of many mediums of exchange that is accepted in payment for goods or services. It also serves as a device to measure the worth or value of different things. Money is needed, wanted, and thought of by every man, woman, and child. Sometimes considered to be luxurious, interesting, and most of the time valuable, it is much more than cash to save or spend. Money determines the condition of the economy in which we live, the rise and fall of people and families, and the desires of almost every human being. This paper will investigate the history and mystery of US currency, it's importance in our economy, and it's worth in a society. Furthermore, this paper will explain why money has such a great impact on people's lives and how some people are dependent on it to keep them happy..According to Krause, "The word 'Money' originally comes from the Latin moneta (from moneo, 'to warn'). Juno was the Roman goddess warning and guardian of finances, and as such she was known as Juno Moneta. Currency comes from the Latin currens ('to run or flow')." (11) The very first method of commerce was trade (before the invention of coinage). Coins were the most practical instrument of financial commerce and is still widely used in all parts of the world. But why do we depend on it? Why do we need money to make it in this world? We need money to promote the exchange of goods and services and the specialization of production. Without money, trade would develop into barter, or the direct exchange of one commodity for another. Barter is still used in parts of the world. In a barter economy, a person who has something to trade must find another person that wants it and who has something satisfactory to offer in exchange. Having a money economy avoids the time and effort that would be required in a barter economy. Money may thus be regarded t...

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