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track field

Tarlow120 EnglishThe book I have chosen to research is High Performance Training for Track and Field. Every since the age of nine I have been in love with track. My uncle would make beats with the other guys in the neighborhood that their kids couldn’t beat me in any all out sprint. And believe it or not I never lost until two years later when I raced my cousin Ernest he was eight years older than me. When I got beat I pushed myself further the more I ran the more people looked at me and wanted to find out why I ran and what makes me so fast.The book talks about all the correct ways to train and what work- outs are best for the event you are going out for. It has a work out for every single event. It first a-tempts to break you down; to were you are to sore to do anything else then after that they will build you back up stronger than you were before. It teaches you how to get a work out from home, work and school.I compete in six events so as you can tell I spend a lot of time in to track and field. The most important thing to me is rest and a lot of athletes don’t get that. It is said that an athlete should get about eight hours of rest. He must also have to good night of rest the night before the night and the night before the race. The biggest thing that plagues athletes is discipline as well as any body. A lot of times discipline can save our lives. Being on the track team has taught me a lot about discipline. Of-course in other aspects of life nothing just comes to you. The biggest reason I chose to write about track is because it is my base in life. I base a lot of things off track like in life there’re some things you just don’t do. For instance, drugs your not going to caught me doing drugs because that’s something you just don’t do, especially when you want to be something out of life. I’ve always wanted to compete in the Olympics. I’m going to compete in the t...

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