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theory of opposition

In looking at the reasoning and theories of different philosophers throughout history, we see numerous themes develop which play various and sometimes very significant roles in each philosopher's arguments. In their discussions of the cause or source of the universe as well as those regarding the relationships that exist inherently in nature, we see the different thinkers utilize themes such as unity, change and opposition. While many philosophers may employ one or many of these such themes, it is important to note that, often, the significance, interpretation and specific roles of these themes will vary from one philosopher to another. With this in mind, I will attempt to outline the role and interpretation of the theory of oppostion as presented by Anaximander, Heraclitus and Aristotle.Although a limited amount of Anaximander's original writings survive to this day, a generally clear understanding has been developed of his philosophies. In his criticizm of Thales' proposal of water as the singular source of the universe, Anaximander reasons that it cannot be a single element that is the source of all things nor responsible for the various differences and patterns that exist in nature. Rather, Anaximander believes, the universe is the result of four elements in opposition to eachother. He proposes that Thales' water is just one element among many and, therefore, is limited. He sets forth the four elements, essentilly, as being dry, moist, hot and cold. He utilizes this theory of the four elements in opposition to account for the balance that occurs in nature. It is this opposition, he believes, that keeps order to the universe. Were they not in opposition to eachother, any one of the elements would be unbounded and would cancel out the others. The importance of opposition in Anaxamander's argument is summed up in a statement of Aristotle's regarding Anaximander's assertions. Aristotle tells us that "...they are in opposi...

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