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When discussing and proving the person of Christ, there are two basic laws that must be addressed and proven. First you must prove that Christ is one hundred percent human (humanity), then you must prove that at the same time Christ is one hundred percent God (deity).As human, Christ had a body, he had a soul and spirit, he had human characteristics, and he was called by human names. In Luke 2:52, it is written that Christ, even though he had a virgin birth, He was born with a human body that was conceived by a human body. Christ's humanity included both the material and immaterial aspects of the human body (he was flesh but at the same time he was also Soul and Spirit).For Christians, "The elements of the Person of Christ are to be established; the faith which accompanies the theoretic process always presupposes their unity; this is for faith immediately certain, though not as yet narrowly defined, not as yet mediately cognised through the knowledge of the distinct elements, which Maggard 2in it are combined (Dorner History of the Development Doctrine Person of Christ p.85). Christ was fully human. "He was hungry, thirsty, grew weary, experienced love and compassion, he wept, he was tested, and he died. Christ was called by human names as he designated Himself as the "Son of Man". This name linked Him to earth and His mission on earth (Ryre Basic Theology p. 287)." Christ was, not only as a deity, but also as a human, all of these things."We cannot indeed overestimate the importance of the fact that Jesus' redeeming influence on the world-all that has induced men to call Him Lord and Savior-owes to His humanity at once its individual and its social power, and is complete with the completeness of His manhood". This is true and fact, but "had Jesus' manhood been fictitious or abridged, no fully saving power could pass forth from Him to win mankind, and God were still far away (Mackintosh The Person of Jesus Christ p. 385)"...

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