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the selfish king lear

In Shakespeare’s King Lear a king is stripped of his land, wealth, soldiers, and all of his power because he is stubborn, egocentric, and unkind. Other than losing money and power he loses his three daughters as well. Lear’s pride is so overwhelming that he is unwilling to allow anyone to contradict him. If anyone (besides his fool) even remotely hints that his actions were wrong he gets unnecessarily enraged. King Lear acts very harshly to his daughters and should receive the appropriate punishment. Although King Lear completely deserves what he gets and has put his youngest daughter through so much torture, he is not entirely awful. He is a respectable king who people look up to. When Kent informs Lear of his drastic mistake Lear’s pride takes control of him and he banishes his loyal friend, Kent. Kent is almost like a brother to Lear. He is Lear’s most trusty friend and basically the king’s right hand man. Because Lear is so arrogant and proud, he will not accept any disagreement from anyone. Kent explains to Lear that he has made a mistake in banishing Cordelia and Lear explodes with fury at Kent. This is the response Kent receives in return for correcting the king. “To come betwixt our sentence and our power, which nor our nature nor our place can bear, our potency made good, take thy reward: …turn thy hated back upon our kingdom. If …thy banished trunk be found in our dominions, the moment is thy death.” (I.1.194-202). King Lear is saying that Kent is now a traitor, and since he points out a mistake in the king’s judgment he should be banished. If Kent shows his body in Lear’s kingdom once again he will be killed immediately. Lear has made several rash decisions regarding dividing the land between his daughters, and must live with his mistakes. After not passing on any land to his most beloved daughter, Cordelia, he heartlessly banishes her, then curs...

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