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The Road Not Taken

In his poem "The Road Not Taken" Frost's theme is about how the choices one makes affect life. When we come to a fork in the road, a decision needs to be made. Both paths are different and choosing the right one if there is a right one will depend on where we have been. Each choice that we make plays out differently in our lives. We can look back and wonder what would have happened if we choose differently. But that is outweighed in what we would have missed. Each choice affects who we are, where we are going, and moreover our lives.The persona had two roads to chose from and wonders what would have happened had he taken the other road. Frosts title reflects this. The first three lines, "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, / And sorry I could not travel both /And be one traveler, long I stood", tell us the speaker must choose between two roads he finds equally appealing. It is apparent the narrator has a difficult choice to make and is carefully considering his options. In the first stanza, the emphasis is on the road that was not traveled. The persona wants to travel both roads, but he cannot and be one traveler. There is a strong sense of wonder before the choice is made because he knows that in one lifetime he cannot travel down every road. And that at this point in time one of the roads must be chosen. After the choice of roads is described and considered, Frost writes "Oh, I kept the first for another day! /Yet knowing how way leads on to way, /I doubted if I should ever come back." This is where the narrator makes his choice. Here, he knows he is bound by that choice. He wants to hold on to the other possibility, but knows this cannot be. His choice becomes the road taken. The choice he did not make, becomes "The Road Not Taken." He takes the other road that is grassy and wanted wear. The road he chooses has a better claim, because it is the road that is less traveled on. By taking this road, a clue to his personali...

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