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the rebirth of the US military

During this last half of the twentieth century the US military was under siege from all sides, internal and external. The root cause of this situation can be traced back to Vietnam and the governments lack of true commitment. What resulted was the near destruction of the US military. The military managed to come out in the end to become perhaps the best military in the world by completely reevaluating itself and reorganizing almost every aspect . The primary focus will be on the reorganization of the Army and Air force, and how they were affected by the disaster of Vietnam. The US military managed to come out one top through completely reorganizing the way the military works and thinks. Focusing on real practical training and making sure units had experience even before combat with the use of simulations. Eliminating the menace of centralization and creating separate fully functioning forces..Vietnam was the ultimate low point for the US military wich can be attributed primarily to the lack of political will, poor government intervention and a military system that defied logic. From the outset the military did not have what they truly needed to win the war. Johnson was to afraid to send in a large attack force for fear of provoking a further escalation of the war by bringing in the Chinese or the Soviets. Johnson simply wanted to keep things low key in Vietnam and not have to put a real combat force in that was capable of winning the war .Johnson is quoted as saying: "I don't want to be dramatic and cause tension". Most of the problems stems from President Johnson's inability to listen to his generals and his constant interference in daily military matter's. "Johnson demanded the final word on tonnage, timing, and targets of air strikes against North Vietnam. He insisted on being informed of every troop movement". Even as the troops and material began to mount in Vietnam, there was no real plan on what to do with those assets a...

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