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the eight moral philosophies

As I answered the eight questions about my own moral philosophies I realized that before this I had no idea. It had never even crossed my mind. I would just go about my day-to-day life, make my decisions and move right a long with no regard to where they were coming from. This paper alone has changed the way I analyze my actions not to mention my understanding of them.Coming from a split family I was bombarded with contradictory views and morals. My father, a wealthy businessman remarried with a new kid, has always preached duty and reason. He makes choices depending on how he would want others to make them. He always thinks about his actions thoroughly before deciding what to do. Weighing out all possible consequences. He taught me to be honest and to fallow the rules knowing that I would not want to be lied to or cheated. His logic and reason amazes me. When we argue he always challenges my side in a way that makes me look wrong no matter what the topic is to be sure I see where he is coming from (which makes it very hard to argue with him). If there were an opposite of him it would be my mother. She practices more egoism and situationism. I am much like her, or have been in the past, in the way that I want what is good for me in the moment. She is very impulsive and usually expects to get something, whether it is a pat on the back or a sack of money. At the same time though she would do anything for my brother and I. She has in the past given us the last penny in her wallet even though it means she will not be able to do something for herself. There is not a doubt in my mind that my mom will be there for me anytime I need her. Both my parents have influenced me along with a mix of so many others.I have a friend back home who is a very disciplined vegan and also a mild animal rights activist. Every time he does something he thinks about what the effect will be on nature. I have never seen him touch meat, or litter, or d...

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