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the difference

I have known Shannon Carey since the first grade. Our parents know eachotherand sometimes even go out together. This includes such things as going to dinner or outto a movie. They agree on many of the same topics, However, on some subjects,Shannon’s parents control her more than my parents control me. Shannon has regularchores around her house and her parents often give her advice on certain subjects. Myparents, on the other hand, let me take care of myself for the most part. Although ourparents are somewhat friends, they have different views on their children and theresponsibilities they should have.Shannon has weekly chores that she has to take care of around her house. Thesechores among other things include cleaning her room, her bathroom, and doing the dishes. If these chores are not completed there are consequences such as losing priveleges like thephone. She also has other responsibilites such as Pom-Pon. Shannon is required to be atschool everyday at 6:30 a.m. to practice. Not only does she go to practice, but she alsobrings the stereo so that the rest of the Pom-Pon squad can practice with music. This is ahuge responsibility because she either has to be at practive every single day or makearrangements and find someone else to bring the stereo. If she does not do this she letsthe whole team down and they cannot practice.When it comes to chores and responsibilities I get off pretty easy. My family has acleaning lady come to the house four times a week to do most of the work around thehouse. A few of her jobs include doing the dishes, taking out the trash, sweeping thefloors and dusting. If for some reason the cleaning lady is not able to come to our house,my parents will ask me or one of my two sisters to help out with the chores for the day. We often agree and help out if we are not busy. The only things that my parents are reallyconcerned with is school and work. As long as I am doing well in school and ...

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