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the dairy of anne frank

1885 thru 1898 Governess for a Polish family 1891 Became a student at the Sorbonne in Paris 1894 Studied the magnetic properties of steel 1896 Studies the glowing rays with Be cer al 1897 Coins term "Radio activity" 1897 First child born E Ren 1898 Pierre joins her in the study of Polonium and Radium 1900-1906 Teaches Physics at a all girls school in Paris. 1903 Awarded doctoral of Physical Science degree from University of Paris 1903 Shared the Nobel prize in Psychics with Pierre and Bec er al 1904 Marie went with Pierre when he was hired by the Sorbonne as a professor 1904 Second child born Eve 1906 Pierre killed in a accident and Marie takes over as a professor at the Sorbonne 1908 Marie became a full professor at the Sorbonne 1911 Nobel prize in Chemistry 1914 thru 1918 Help treat the wounded soldiers of WORLD WAR 1 1921 Came to the United States for a visit 1922 Elected to the French academy of Medicine 1929 Came back to the United States for another visit Marie "Slowdoski" Curie in her words. I was born in 1867 in Warsaw Poland. By 1878 my mother died of TB. I then went to private school in Poland but we were not allowed to speak Polish. One day the Russian inspector came to make sure that we were learning our lessons in Russian and not the forbidden polish language. When I was asked a question in Russian I answered back in perfect Russian much to the inspectors delight. The inspector didn't know that I spoke German, English and French also.From 1885 thru 1898 I was a governess for a Polish family, in 1891 I became a student at the Sorbonne in Paris.I met Pierre In 1894 at the Sorbonne. They wanted me to do a studied on the magnetic properties of steel. I did not have a place to do my study so a friend introduced me to Pierre Curie who managed a place where I could do my study. 1895 Pierre and I where married.1896 I Studied the glowing rays in the pitch blend with my friend Bec er al an...

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