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the chosen

The Chosen, by Chaim Potok, is a book about friendship between two boys from vastly different religious Their initial distrust and hatred for eachother because of their differing backgrounds gives way toundestanding, and develops into a deep friendship. DannySaunders is brought up in a Chasidic environment. His fatheris the Rabbi of his synagogue and sect, and is well respectedas a great Tzaddik and a Talmud Scholar. His ancestors forthe past five generations had been very honorable andrespected rabbis in their own synagogues, and RabbiSaunders son, Danny, is expected to follow in theirfootsteps. Danny too, is a great Talmud scholar and deeplyreligious person, but his friendship with a less religious boydraws him into a more secular world, changing many of hisviewpoints. Reuven Malter is brought up in a modernorthodox Jewish environment. His father is the rabbi of hissynagogue, and a teacher in high school. Reuven is a verymodern Jew who learns a wide variety of Jewish subjects.Though he invests much time in Gemara, the amount helearms is nothing compared to what the Chasidim learn. Thisdifference in education and religious attitudes causes frictionbetween the Chasidim and the modern orthodox Jews. TheChasidim believe that the modern orthodox are corrupt intheir beliefs- they should be studying the Gemara a lot more,and be much more religious in everything they do, such aspraying to G-d. It is not expected to find a modern orthodoxboy playing with a Chasidic boy. The two boys were playinga baseball game against each other- the Chasidim, againstthe modern orthodox Jews. There are obvious feelings ofhate between the two teams. Towards the end of the game,Danny hits Reuven in the eye with the ball, sending him tothe hospital. For the moment, they become enemies. Dannyvisits Reuven in the hospital, and they become friends.Danny invites Reuven over to his house to learn someGemara with his father, and he accepts the offer. Theybecome close...

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