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the barf

Maxwell384 U.S. 333Action: Sheppard was convicted of second degree murder. He was convicted of killing his wife.Facts: The Media had gotten word of what sam Sheppard had done had had been incriminating him. They would even come out with titles like, "Why isn't sam Sheppard in Jail?" these statements and more incriminated him and affected the trial. As the jurors were selected, the media announced the names and telephone numbers of these jurors, and they have been receiving anonymous notes and threats about this case. This affected the fairness of the trial. The Media was inside the Court, They took pictures of the jurors, and disclosed news about the case.Issue: Can the case be influenced by the media, and if so, will it affect the outcome?Holding: Yes.Rationale: The media coverage of Dr. Sam Sheppard's arrest for the murder of his wife was extensive. The brutal nature of the crime, the relationship between the victim and the accused, and the social position of the accused all helped to fuel the public's interest in the trial. Sheppard argued that this media coverage prevented him from receiving a fair trial. The Supreme Court agreed with him and granted the writ of habeas corpus he had requested. The reversal of the decision was justified by the Court through the "Roman Holiday" atmosphere of the trial in which the judge "failed to minimize the prejudicial impact of massive publicity." The jurors were threatened and influenced by others to make certain decisions, and the incriminating factors brought forth by the media affected the jury and the case.Freedom of speech and slander. You are allowed to speak your mind, however, you cannot incite violence or inhibit aggression toward another and say it. Slander would win.Freedom to bear arms and a child owning an illegal weapon. You have to register a weapon upon an adults name. Freedom of religion against public school systems. In a public school, you are not allowed to ...

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