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ted bundy1

Ted Bundy is one of the worst serial killers in history. His Antisocial personality and psychoticcharacter made him feared across the country. After all was said and done Ted left behind a trailof bloody slayings that included the deaths of 36 young women and spanned through four states. The biggest question in many people’s mind was how could someone as intelligent, highlyaccomplished, and praised as Bundy do such a thing?Theodore Robert Bundy was born November 24th, 1946 in Burlinton, Vermont. Hismother Eleanor Louise Cowell was 22 when she had him. Ted’s mom never told him muchabout his father except that he was in the armed forces and they had only dated a few times. Tedwas left in foster care for two months while his mom and parents decided what to do with him. In 1946 an illegitimate child was extremely looked down upon by society. Once they decided tokeep Ted his grandparents told everyone he was their adopted son. Ted knew who his biologicalmom was, but outsiders were told that she was his sister. Ted adored his grandfather, he was theonly man Ted really respected. His grandfather was also particularly fond of Ted. Ted would goon camping and fishing trips with his grandfather. Ted thought he was just a great guy, but thefamily thought different. They would describe his grandfather as an ill-tempered tyrant. He wasracist, intolerant, and a perfectionist. He expected everyone to meet his demands. Hisgrandfather was also verbally abusive toward other family members and physically abusivetoward his wife. He also physically mistreated animals including the family pet. Ted’sgrandmother suffered from depression. It got so bad that she was eventually treated withelectroshock therapy. She also suffered from agoraphobia and never left the house. Could thisbe the reason Ted turned out how he did?The older Ted got, the more it became more difficult to hide his family’s identity and hissecret mot...

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