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Observing the Boot Process and Hardware Components 1.Carefully watch your computer screen during the boot process (press Pause if necessary), and record which CPU is used by your home or lab computer? Intel R Celeron TM processor 533 mhz 2.Who is the BIOS vendor and what version of the BIOS are you using? PHONIX BIOS 4.0 RELEASE 6.0 3.As the computer boots, memory is counted. Observe the memory count and record the amount of memory detected. What number system is used to count this memory?127 M SYSTEM RAM PASSED 0128 K CACHE SRAM PASSED4.Open the printer icon in the Windows Control Panel and find out which is the default Windows printer for your home or lab computer.HP DESKJET 810C SERIES PRINTER5.Look at the back (or front if the ports are located there) of your home or lab computer and make a drawing. Label on the drawing the purpose of each port and connection you see. If you are not sure what the purpose of the port is, label the port “unknown port.” In later chapters, the purposes of these unknown ports will become clear.ATTACHED.Using the Internet for ResearchLinux is one of the fastest growing Operating Systems today. What is the official mascot for Linux? Who chose it, and why? Hint: See www.linux.orgPENGUIN LINUS TORVALDS because he thinks they are cuddly.Using Microsoft Diagnostic with WindowsYou should see a screen similar to that of Figure 1-44. Browse carefully through all the menu options of this interesting utility and answer of the following questions about your system:a.List the following or print the appropriate MSD screen: Cat IBM PC AT BIOS VER. AWARD MODULAR BIOS VER. 4.05G twa N ver: 305GNP2 BIOS DATE: 06/20/94 VIDEO VGA CIRUS MOUSE NOT DETECTED.b.What kind of video card is installed? VGAUse the information in Appendix D, “The Hexadecimal Number System and Memory Addressing,” to answer these questions:a.How much memory is currently installed on this PC?640 K AND 3072Kb.Lo...

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