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Most people have the goal and dream to have the perfect body. They believe they will be more popular, or attractive if they achieve the body that they desire. But what lengths will people go to, to get the perfect body. The biggest problem in sports today, as many people know, is steroids. Steroids do wonders for your body, but not only on the positive side, but the negative side as well. We all know they work, clinical studies have concluded what athletes have know for 30 years, anabolic steroids do work. Today more than ever, steroids are being abused. It is estimated that 99% of all professional bodybuilders are using steroids. Teenagers know that steroids will help them build muscle but they don’t know about the side effects and the long-term effects. Teenagers have a hard time looking ahead to the near future, never mind much later in their lives. But society continues to tell the youths of today that society wants muscular physiques. Pick up any teen or muscle magazine and every body inside will have a perfect sculpted body. There are people that have a hard time working out or no motivation, and they see someone using steroids that hardly lift weights and are getting massive gains in strength, obviously the nonuser is going to be curious of using steroids. One of the main reasons steroids are being abused is because people don’t understand exactly how they work. Many people curious in steroids think they can take the drug, get a massive body, stop taking the drug, and will still remain huge with little work, but this is not the case at all. Steroids plain and simply bulk up the muscle like balloon, you have strength and size, when the user stops taking a steroid, the balloon deflates, the once huge muscle turns to fat very quickly and the size and strength is no longer there. Therefore, steroid users must continue to take the drug for as long as they plan on being in their physical condition. But, ...

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