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Do you have a friend or relative that has problems with their boyfriend or girlfriend, wife or husband? These types of relationships are very common in society. Lots of couples are together for all the wrong reasons. Some of the reasons are attraction, money, lonely, family, friends, and blind love. For example, your friend has been going out with a very beautiful lady for one year. Every time you see them they are fighting over some ridiculous event or thing. You wonder how these two stay together. Some of the reasons that they have fought are “we don’t spend enough time together: when in fact every moment they have free, they are together. If they are not together they are on the phone constantly. This is when someone needs to let go and realize that they are not meant for each other. People are scared to let go because of many reasons. When looking at the problems, you would wonder, how can they help someone that is not willing to change or take on knew responsibility as a single person. This paper will give some suggestions to answering this question and help understand the Cognitive approach therapy. First lets define cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapy comes from the word cognition. Cognition is defined (Arthur p.133) as a broad term traditionally used to refer to such activities as thinking, conceiving and reasoning. Many psychologists have used it to refer to any class of mental behaviors. The underlying characteristics are of an abstract and involve symbolizing, insight, expectancy, complex rule use, imagery, belief, intentionality, problem solving, and so forth. Aaron T. Beck was the developer of cognitive therapy. He based Cognitive Therapy on the notion of how people structured and interrupted their behaviors, and directing behaviors towards negative and positive emotions.A question brought to our attention is the word relationship. What does relationship mean? Relation is a sense of com...

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