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sports psychology

Now a days there are a wide variety of athletic games, whether it be the most common of all, football, or the not so common, high jump. Sports is considered as one of many favorite pastime, and overtime it hasbecome very competitive. Not only do people enjoy watching sports, butmany people also love to play sports. Over the years these games havegrown world wide, and now these great athletes are not only good at whatthey do, they also play to win. How do these athletes get so good at whatthey do? Could it be genetics or maybe the environment they grow up in,or can it be just self determination?Sports Psychology is a growing psychological process. These daysyou may see more Sport Psychologists coaching your favorite golf or tennisplayer. Even if these athletes are at their best, there is always room toimprove mentally and physically. The mind and the body work together asone. In fact many have said that “ sports is more of a mental processthan a physical one.” If an athlete lacks concentration, has no motivation, and has a poor mental attitude, that person is unlikely to succeed. He cannot work well as one nor can he work well as a team player because heneeds to have self confidence.Self confidence is very essential. Many sports psychologists helpathletes to realize that if you are less confident about yourself, thetendency is for that someone not to take the challenge and the risks. On the other hand, if one has over-confidence, you could end up losing agame for taking things for granted and not trying hard enough. Withhaving self confidence, anything seems possible, and without it, you willconquer nothing. Therefore psychologists help to build that confidenceup, where you can perform at a professional level. On a different level, sports involves many emotions, a lot ofcompetition, cooperation, decision making and achievements. Peopleinvolved in sports attempt to master very difficult skills, often sub...

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