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A spiral is defined as winding around a center or pole and gradually receding from or approaching it. Spiral is a relatively general term. Although a spiral defines a motion, it does not limit its motion to a singular motion. In other words, it can move up or move down, grow in size or shrink in size, any variation so long as it follows a set path. Objects that move in a spiral, follow a path and leave behind a trail.Objects may move in a spiral motion. This means that at least two things are for sure. One, that an object is moving in a circular motion around a central point, and two, that the object is either moving away from or towards that point. Objects may contain spiral movement. Using the steps of a circular staircase as an example, the steps are a spiral movement, because of the way the steps are placed. Further, according to the definition of a spiral, the steps of a circular staircase can vary in size or stay the same size and remain a spiral. In examining a circular staircase, it serves as the path for which humans move up or down in a spiraling motion. There are several objects that spiral, which are not so literal. For example, bellowing smoke spirals away from the fire and the wind may alter the path of its spiral.An objects outer edge can be thought of as following a spiral path. In other words, a volumes outer edge is created by the trail that is left by a spiral movement. For example, in examining a finger-tip, it has a tip that serves as a central point, and is constructed within the confines of a gradually growing (diameter) spiral. Cylinders and cones can be the resulting shaped trails of spirals. Of course, the shape depends on the shape of the trail and the variations of the shape of the spiral. A spiral never has to reach its central point on either end, and can start and finish in any variation. The shape of a spiral is only limited by the imagination ...

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