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Dear Parent, As you know, college is well under way for your child. We here at the Struggling College Students of America realize that times are tough for you with the emotional loss and financial loss of your child’s college experience. You know how hard it is when your first starting out. It can be really tough, facing a massive change that your child has gone through. I’ve often heard it compared to the change from crawling to walking. You first must take baby steps. Having the emotional loss of leaving his parents after relying on them for 18 years, plus attempting to meet new friends, surviving day to day with the $30 you gave him to live on for weeks can be tough. This is where we come in. The SCSA is a non-profit organization created and maintained by struggling college students with hope that with donations from you, they won’t have to find a job. A job takes away precious study time as well as valuable social time from your struggling college student. A job brings more responsibilities for a student. It also takes up more time for a student. Imagine not seeing your child for three weeks, you invite him to come home for the following week, but he says “I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to work.” Not only will your donation allow him to come home, the right amount will buy him gasoline for the trip home! For $25, you could buy a student about three pizza’s. $60 will provide dues for a social organization such as a fraternity or a sorority. A donation of $250 just might provide a burdened student with books for a semester. A $400 donation might cover a students car payment that he can’t afford. A reasonable $8,000 donation will be greatly appreciated. It would almost cover room and board and tuition for a struggling college student at a small private university. Imagine the look on your child’s face when he receives a check in the mail from the SCSA! His excitement just might ...

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