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smoking in public

Thesis: Smoking in most public facilities should be banned. I.Smoking is very unhealthy for you. A.Smoking is the number one preventable cause of death in America. B.About 3 million people die each year from diseases that result from Tobacco contains over 4,000 chemicals most are poisons.II.Not only is it unhealthy to you it is extremely unhealthy to others.A.53,000 non-smoking Americans die annually from inhaling other peoples smoke.B.There are many diseases you can get from second hand smoke.C. You get stains on clothes and you smell really bad when you have been around it for a long period of time.III.What can you do to change things?A.Let people know smoke bothers you.B.Send an action e-mail or letter to a higher power.C.If you smoke do not do it inside a public facility.Smoking should be banned from most public facilities. The reason I say most is because I do not believe it should be banned from bars because of the fact you are slowly killing yourself other ways such as drinking alcohol so you obviously do not care that much about your health anyways. One of the reasons smoking should be banned from public facilities is because I believe it will limit how much one person smokes. On Copper Towers website they state that 430,000 Americans die each year due to tobacco products while 3 million people around the world die. Tobacco contains over 4,000 chemicals, most of which are poisons. Not only is it unhealthy for you it is unhealthy to others. Secondhand smoking causes 53,000 deaths per year in the United States. In a survey I took at work 73% of current smokers said smoking should be restricted in restaurants while 94% of those who never smoked agreed. Do you ever feel like you are smoking, even though you are not a smoker yourself? I grew up in a family of smokers, and was constantly inhaling smoke from my parents' cigarettes. Do I now have the increased risk of developing lung cancer because of them? And in the work place...

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