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sleep disorders

For Better Learning: Researchers Endorse ‘Sleep on It’ Adage In summary this article was about how sleep aids in a persons ability to perform and remember. The article all but confirms our mother’s adage of “if you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t do as well.” The article informs its readers about the interaction between two of the stages of sleep. The article clearly and plainly explains what is happening during slow wave sleep and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. The writer clearly shows his finding by way of the experiment with the college students.The most important information I got out of this article was the education. I was taught that the human body and mind only needs four hours sleep to rejuvenate. My fathers superior officer made sure to educated us about sleeping in four hour cycles. He made sure we understood that we needed to sleep four hours of undisturbed sleep. If we awoke in the sixth hour, we were disrupting a cycle. This article clearly states that in slow wave sleep, “the brain chemicals plummet and information flows out of the memory region called the hippocampus and into the cortex.” It also states, “In the last two hours of sleep, brain chemistry and activity again change drastically as the cortex goes into an active dreaming state. The hippocampus is shut off from the cortex as the brain literally re-enacts the training and solidifies the newly made connection throughout its memory banks.” This is important because most people think REM sleep is just a person dreams. But according to the article REM is important in putting information together for memory.Flowers 2As I stated in the above paragraph, REM sleep to me was a person’s way of dreaming or fantasizing. REM was the subconscious working its magic. Now scientist are telling readers that it is all part of the magical world of our bodies and brains. I do think this ...

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