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I first became interested in The College of William and Mary after visiting the college campus during my sixth grade field trip to Williamsburg, Virginia. The campus and its beauty immediately captivated me, and as I grew older I started researching to learn more about the academic aspects of the college itself. From my research, I found that The College of William and Mary is a great match for me for one main reason. Ever since I was little, I have been interested in becoming a teacher. However, during my sophomore year of high school, my eyes were opened to the world of business. The College of William and Mary has many options for both of my interests. I know that no matter what area I decide to major in, I will receive an extraordinary education. 2. When I go to college next fall, one unique attribute that I will bring with me is my adaptability. Moving twice since my freshman year of high school has helped me develop this trait very well. At the end of my eighth grade year my family moved from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to North Sioux City, South Dakota. I had to make new friends and fit into a whole new culture while adapting to high school. I finished my freshman and sophomore years of high school in Iowa, and then in the middle of my junior year my family moved to Richmond, Virginia. I thought that moving in the middle of the school year was going to be rough, but it has turned out to be a great experience. I have quickly made friends and become involved in several school activities such as cheerleading, Model United Nations, and many clubs. Moving during high school has taught me many things. It has taught me to be extremely open to new ideas, new people, and new ways of life. I know that had I not chosen to adapt to my new location and make the best out of moving, I would not be enjoying Richmond, Virginia as much as I am right now. 3. If I had the opportunity to visit anywhere in the world, I w...

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