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september 11 2001

The events that occurred on September 11, 2001 : Four commercial airliners are hijacked by an organized group of terrorists. Two of the airliners crash into and obliterate the twin World Trade Center towers in NYC. One airliner crashes into the Pentagon in Washington DC and destroys a side of the building. One airliner crashes in a field located in Pennsylvania and was probably headed somewhere in Washington DCThe events that took place brought upon America’s downfall and rise. The terrorist acts that occurred resulted in over six thousand unnecessary deaths including passengers of the hijacked planes and the workers at both the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The downfall came about with the loss of American lives and an almost immediate nationwide sense of sadness for people directly and indirectly affected by the terrorist attacks. Americans of all ages and ethnic backgrounds came together to mourn in churches and public gatherings, searching for hope and guidance in chaotic times. People in New York City had mass gatherings in which they shared stories of their lost ones and created murals in the streets composed of pictures and letters of their lost friends and coworkers. The country faced downfall and disaster, which in turn resulted in nationwide benefit programs installed to aid in the aftermath. This was America’s rise against the attacks. People all across the nation donated money and physical labor (medical specialists, firefighters, and volunteer programs) to help out the victims of the attacks. A call on any available emergency servicemen was made, and doctors across the nation went to NYC to provide medical assistance needed for victims of the World Trade Center disaster. Also, a fund-raiser was aired at the same time on over twenty public and cable television stations, in which actors came together to raise money for the victims of the terrorist acts.A renewed sense of American pride was another result ...

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