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The Sendmail Tutorial / written by yours truly, R a v e N ( *============================================================================* version 2.1, 22/9/99 Note: whenever you see something like this: blah(1), it means that if you don't understand the meaning of the word blah there's an explanation for it just for you, located at the newbies corner on section 1. Note 2: if you're having a hard time reading this page because you have to scroll to the right whenever a long line comes, it's probably because you're not using "word wrapping". Most UNIX and Windows text editors do this by themselves. To activate word wrapping on Microsoft Notepad, simply go to Edit and then click on "Word wrapping". If you have any comments or questions regarding this tutorial (no flames or spam, please) Email me at Visit for more tutorials, free hacking/programming/unix books to download and much more. We do not encourage any kinds of illegal activities. If you believe that breaking the law is a good way to impress someone, please stop reading now and grow up. There is nothing impressive or cool in being a criminal.Contents========Sendmail? Huh?* What is Sendmail?* What is it used for?* Why would I want to learn about Sendmail?How do I create authentically-looking fake mails?* You mean I can send Emails from or!* Is it possible to create a 100% authentical Email?* How can I learn raw Sendmail commands by myself?* But what if I'm lazy? Can you pleeease teach me?* How do I track down carelessly-made fake mails?* How do I track down more sophisticated fake mails?* Can I get caught?* Will I get caught?Hack the server? Through Sendmail?!* Can I really hack a host that runs Sendmail?* So why is Sendmail called "the buggiest daemon on Earth" anyway?* Okay, great. Now how do I do it?* Can you tell me more about various Sendmail security holes?* Where can I f...

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