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second cup

1-According to the work nature and my interviews with the employee I think that "The goal setting Theory" applies on more than one level of the organization. Let us take the foremen for example. Goal attributes which related to a higher level of performance are present. A specific goal is assigned to the foremen. He has to fully understand the required job and this is not a problem because the goal is well communicated to the foremen. After a job is required Sean assign to the foreman to the job and explain his responsibilities and he will visit each job and make sure that the foreman is completing the work properly. Armando as well is responsible for explaining to the foreman what the required job is in quantitative measures and making sure that this goal is appropriate to the job objectives which contribute to the attainment of the organization's objective(Goal specificity). It is not easy for the foreman to construct and monitor the workers to make sure that the job is completed in a proper manner. This requires to make sure that the workers are taking the appropriate safety precautions, the machines are in good working order and the necessary job tools are available to the workers, but this is perceived within the control of the foreman (Goal difficulty). The effectiveness of those attributes in increasing the foreman motivation is moderated by two factors, "good acceptance" and "goal commitment". For a goal to be accepted and to be owned, it has to be reachable, beneficial and the resources have to be available. As mentioned before the goal is perceived reachable. Foreman have the experience in the field and they have the ability to put in the required effort. They find the goal beneficial because when the company does well the employee shares theprofits. And finally Armando frequently visits the site to make all the jobs requirements available. These factors also enhance the goal commitment which is necessary throughout the pr...

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