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Everyone believes Marijuana is a gateway drug. However, some people think it is notbecause they believe they will not use anything else. If we do not fide some form of way toget rid of this drug or if we make it legal our future generations will suffer. As of now ourbrains get affected. A solution would be to find away to get rid of this drug and not tomake it legal.Marijuana has been around for centuries now and it still grows in use. People say itis good for the body because it helps the body fight of disease and many other things likepain. Marijuana is a very powerful drug and it is believed that it is a gateway drug. Thissimply means that once your tolerance is so high you will look towards other drugs so thatyou can get the same feeling as when you first started using marijuana. I know that thereis no evidence of such a thing happening but I do believe this is the drug that helps youlook toward other drugs. I’ve heard of stories in my high school that kids have tried otherdrugs because of this one drug they started with. Marijuana use today is so strong that it is hard to control it and get rid of it. So, ifwe were to make it legal we would just be giving in to the temptations of the drug.Marijuana became more popular in the early 20th century and as grown in use. Whenmarijuana became popular officials tried to control in under the Marijuana Tax Act in1937. This act just stated that if you were using it for medical reason that you had to paytax for it. So, to me it sound like we have given in before but eventually saw that it wasbeing abused. Adolescents and young adults started increasing in marijuana usage in the late 60’sand early 70’s. During this time another act was passed which divided drigs into fivecatagoreis. Marijuana was placed uner the first catagory. That catagory stated and I quote“ drugs with higher potenial for abuse and no accepted medical use.” But in 1972 theNational Organization...

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