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psych notes

(The study of mind and behavior) The science that studies and attempts to explain observable behavior and its relationship to the un-seen mental process that goes on inside the organism and to external events and the environment The AIM of psychologists is to examine and explain how humans and animals remember, percive, solve problems, and interact with one another. The MAIN GOAL is to describe, understand, predict and control, or modify behavior and mental process. Psychology’s Relatives/ Behavioral or Social Sciences Sociology: The study of the organization and function of groups within a society. Such as a family, religious,institutions, social groups, and the work place.(UNIT OF STUDY: The Individual)Social Psychology: The study of psychological processes that occurs in groups. It deals with behavioralinteractions of individuals within groups. Also the interaction within groups.(UNIT OF STUDY: Groups and Individuals)Anthropology: The study of early man including his physical characteristics, his cultures, his races, and thedevelopment of the human race.Biology: The study of stature and function of all living organisms.(UNIT OF STUDY: All living things)Psychiatry: The medical specialty concerned with mental disorders, mal-adjustment, and abnormal behavior. They dispense medication psychiatrist is a medical doctor specialist.Emperical: Relting on, or derived from observation, experimentation, or measurement.(ex: A drunk driving statistic.)Cognition: Emphasizes what goes on in peoples heads, how people remember, reason, understand language, solve problems, explain experiences and form beliefs. The process by which we use knowledge.(ex: Something that is learned)Affect broad class of mental processes including feeling, emotions, moods, and temperment.Paradigm: A model or pattern, demonstrating all of the possible functions of what it represents:An experimental design. (ex: A pattern) ---* CLUB= dancing, music, socializi...

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