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Prozac: For Better or Worse In 1987, Eli Lilly unleashed his new super drug for depression, a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI), fluoxetine, commonly known as Prozac on the world. Since itsrelease, Prozac has been used by more than twenty million people worldwide. At first it wasreceived as the great cure, a drug that achieved huge success in a short time with few side-effects;however, in the last few years many questions and doubts have surfaced. The benefits of Prozac put forth a very good argument for the drug, now used as a solution for weight problems,premature ejaculation, and insomnia as well as for depression. Many people though, doexperience side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and sexual difficulties. With new applicationsand problems being discovered all the time, patients are left wondering, is Prozac solvingproblems, or causing them?Prozac, originally produced solely to cure depression has in its few years on the marketfound numerous other benefits. Many occurrences associated with the use of Prozac, originallydeemed side effects have since become uses for the drug. Delayed orgasms were first seen as aharmful side effect of Prozac, recently however doctors have began prescribing Prozac for mensuffering from premature ejaculation. Weight loss, also originally seen as a harmful side effect,has since become one of the many reasons to be prescribed the drug. Many people when put onthe drug reported a fair amount of weight loss. Although for some patients this may be anundesirable effect it has been found to be very effective for some people with eating disorders. Still another use that began as a side effect is for migraine headaches, even though it is oneof the more frequently reported side effects to Prozac. “At least one controlled study (Adly et al,Headache, Feb. 1992) showed that Fluoxetine was safe and effective in preventing migraine.” (Prozac and Migraine) Prozac tru...

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