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pros of Immigration

Our country is faced with a terrible dilemma. This problem is immigration. There are two types of immigration, illegal, and legal. We are talking about immigration as a whole legal and illegal. Our grandparents, our relatives, our friends are all immigrants. They came from all over the world for many reasons, such as, religious persecution and racial tension, but the largest reason for coming to America was for freedom. The freedom to live where we want, to own property, to take part in the government and most importantly, the freedom to be treated like a human being. Coming over was extremely difficult. For some, there were good, seaworthy boats, but most boats were overcrowded, dirty, and disgusting. At Ellis Island, people would break down into lines, and walk by a doctor, trying to hide any physical problems. Children over two had to be able to walk by themselves. If the doctor noticed anything wrong he would use a piece of chalk to show the person required further inspection. If, this was indeed the case, the person would be set-aside in a cage. Another test was that of sanity. An interpreter would ask each person a few questions just to find a sensible answer to test mental stability. The last and most feared doctor checked for disease by lifting the eyelid. He scared children, and probably spread more disease than the people he checked. From an eyewitness account, his gloves were not sterile, and he did not change or even wash them between examinations. Then, immigrants filed into lines by nationality to be questioned. The questions scared many people. Should they tell the truth or lie. This caused a flood of immigrants into the United States. Most of America's famous people are descended from immigrants if they are not immigrants themselves. America is made of many different cultures, all of which have contributed to the American way of life. Jews contributed doctors and lawyers. Japanese are computer and business contribu...

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