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political economical and religious changes 14001800

Today, what is considered to be the modern times began with the Early Renaissance at the start of the 15th century. As time has progressed, things have modified within societies to mold with the new ways of thinking for that time. Between the years of the 1400’s and the 1800’s this world has undergone many changes. Focusing on Europe, the major forces of change were in politics, economics, and religion.In modern European history political effort were supplied by the state. Early in the 15th century political warfare was the theme of everyday life. It was not until the Peace of Lodi in 1454 that a balance of power was established and ended the hundred years war. Early in the 16th century there is a rise of the modern sovereign state. Constant conflict between the France, Spain, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Papacy dominated in beginning of the 1500’s, as they competed for Italy. Religious differences set off political issues that began the Reformation with the posting of Martin Luther's Ninety-Five These. In the 17th century the middle class, also known as the bourgeoisie, begins to emerge. The bourgeoisie forced political changed and gave rise to the ideas of political liberalism and democracy. The lasting conflict between the Catholics and the Protestants of the 1600’s brought rise to nationalism. In the 18th century, concentration of political power was focused on the Great Powers, including France, Austria, Netherlands, Great Britain, Prussia, and Russia. At this time political eminence of the bourgeoisie focused on ideas of social equality and social justice. The political issues throughout time had a strong effect on the economical issues throughout Europe. In the 15th century economical dominance began to shift to the North and was carried through the 16th century. The wool trade of Florence was slowly taken over by Flanders and England. Banking was over run by the Germans. Trade in the...

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