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The Human thought process is not a perfect mechanism. Human sensory organs act as filters of knowledge, because they can only pass along information that they have the ability to detect. That sensory information is further restricted by the limits of the body's information delivery systems, and the limits of the brain's faculty for perception of information so delivered. Thought is affected by feelings and emotions such as, love-hate, excited-bored, happy-sad, funny-serious, euphoric-depressed, etc.. Thought can be affected by mental illness. People have varying levels of intelligence, and intelligence can manifest itself selectively as with idiot savants. Chemicals released by the body, or ingested, can affect thought processes. As a result of evolutionary survival mechanisms, personality traits and characteristics are influenced by one's genetic composition (DNA). In sum, thought processes are complex mechanisms. Humanity currently lacks complete knowledge of exactly how the thought process works, and therefore lacks complete control over the same. Without a complete understanding of thought processes, and methods to completely control the same, Humanity can never have a true Utopia. Under current circumstances people can be placed in a perfect environment, but there will still be hatred, jealousy, and other manifestations of negative thoughts and actions. In short, a perfect environment will not provide a perfect existence for an imperfect being. It is a paradox for an imperfect being to seek a perfect existence by seeking a perfect place. Therefore, Utopia is more than a place, it is a state of being that fulfills both sides of human duality. In order to reach Utopia we must be able to perfect not just our environment, but also ourselves. Like control of the environment through technology, our ability to control thought processes is a necessary piece of the Utopian puzzle. We need a "pair of docs" (two doctors),...

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