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one flew

flew over the cuckoo's nest E-mail: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest For as long as time could tell, whenever and wherever there is a corrupt ruling system in place, there will always be an opposing force trying to This ruling system can be a variety of things. In some cases it is thegovernment, a boss, or basically anything or anyone that has some type of control orauthority over something else or someone else. In some cases the opposition cansuccessfully take over control of these corrupt systems, while in other incidents theopposition is pitifully pounded back to silence. In other cases, the opposing force will bebeaten, but in their shadowy remains lye a path for future generations to follow. In thecase of Mc Murphy and the Big nurses a power struggle, the opposition (Mc Murphy)gets beaten silent, yet his words will continue to ring throughout the halls of the ward. McMurphy has been made a martyr, and has ultimately stripped Big Nurse of her abusedpowers and paved the way for fellowmen to escape her entrapment. Based on the novelOne Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey, it seems that the authors' perspective onthis issue is that the system in place during this time period is in need of change. Kenseems to like the revolutionist characteristics found in his main character, and emphasizesthe idea of questioning the authority power. His belief seems to be that even if you are notsuccessful in changing the system in entire, the effects of a person trying can still be veryeffective. In fact, if all you manage to accomplish is changing a small aspect of the system,it was still all well worth the fight. For as seen, the effects of a minor victory, ripple intomuch larger victories in the battles to come. As a revolutionist, you set an example forothers to follow and in essence pave the way for others to follow. In One Flew Over theCuckoo's Nest, the main character, Randle Patrick McMurphy, fights to change the s...

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