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odyssey 3

Clarke2061: Odyssey ThreeWhat grabbed your attention first: Well, I think that the part that really griped me is when Dr.Rolf vander Berg had discovered that a Monolith (a huge black rectangle made of anunknown material) had just appeared on Europa (one of the moons ofJupiter).Summary: Dr.Heywood Floyd was sitting in the space station Pasture when he sawHaley's comet and decided to actually land on the surface (by convincingT'sung Corporation that it would be good advertising). So off go Dr.Floyd,Dr.Chant, Clifford Greenberg and the Universe's crew to haley's comet. Dr.Rolf van der Berg was called to his office at 5:00 in the morning tofind that on Europa There was a new mountain three times the size ofEverest had appeared and that a thousand kilometres away from the mountaina monolith about five hundred kilometres wide and a thousand two hundredkilometres long. When Universe landed The passengers were allowed on to the surface butonly if they had some body with them so that if something went wrong theycould help each other out. Floyd found some caves and decided toinvestigate it but came back empty handed. After The universe dropped thepassengers back off at the moon base the universe was assigned to go pickup a ship that had crash landed on Europa. Universe went to pick up thepeople when it was hijacked by Universe's stewardess and was forced to landwhen Universe had landed The Hijacker killed her self by shooting herselfin the head. after the ship had land the landing pads had sunk into theground and the hijacker must have thought that they were stranded. Afterthe event with the hijacker the crew decided to explore the mysteriousmountain while picking up the survivors. When they got to the mountain theyrealised that it was infact a diamond three times the size as Everett.Dr.Chant took some "samples" and picked up the survivors. When they wereflying back they noticed some thing on the ground it was a small villagebut no ...

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