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You are what you eat”, goes a famous saying. If that’s truly the case, then alot of Americans would appear to be unhealthy, chemically treated,commercially raised slabs of animal flesh. While that is not a particularlypleasant thought, it is nonetheless a description of the typical Americanomnivore who survives on the consumption of big macs and greasy frenchfries. It’s true, and what have the average Americans done about thisproblem? Asked for seconds and tell themselves that they won’t eat much fortomorrow’s meal. You already know what you should be doing, exercise forat least 20 minutes every second day, eat the correct foods and avoiddangerous substances: smoke and other poisons, toxins and cancer causingchemicals. You need a high level of anti-oxidants to live a long healthy life inour modern world. If you’re healthy and eat a well-balanced diet based on theFood Guide Pyramid, most nutritionist agree that supplements areunnecessary. A well balanced diet supplies not only the recommended dailyallowances(RDAs) of all the necessary nutrients, but also importantnonnutrients that vitamin pills lack. Fiber is one of theses nutrients. Nutritionistalso believe that taking supplements perpetuates bad eating habits by makingyou think everything will be okay as long as you get your “vities”. I totallyagree that if you eat a nutritional meal then why take any dietary supplementsor vitamins. But lets be honest with ourselves. Who honestly consumes theirdaily allotted nutrients each day out of their meals? I bet your saying toyourself, well sure I do, because I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, and have aglass of milk and gram crackers for a late night snack. Hey I even get out ofmy chair at nights to try to find the remote, I’m healthy enough. I would bewilling to put money on it, that you not reaching your daily benefits, becauseonly 9% of adults eat a balanced diet. Many people can’...

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