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nineteen eighty four

"Nineteen EightyFour" as one of Mr.Orwell best books, it has its own style -- freedom. It was a "fiction" novel since Mr. Orwell wrote it before 1984. Many strange things make people confuse, such as: "Hate Week, Hate two minutes, Telescreens, BIGBROTHER IS WATCHING YOU..." One of the most important word in the novel so far is "telescreen", not only because it is a strange word, but this is the machine could compare to our "super machine"--computer, it is also the symbol of the bad luck to Winston and it could compare to the news in our society in 1999. Firstly, the telescreens work can be linked to the computer of today's society. Computers are "controlling" more and more range of our lives. The number of computer user is rapidly increasing. There are different computer schools all over the world. With the increasing amount of electronic business and the accelerated expansion of the Internet in recent years (even months), the amount of personal information tracking, storage, and dissemination that is occurring is also quickly getting out of hand. Now, for those who know how to look for it, almost too much information has become available to computer users. Governmental desire for control of the paper less domain may eventually become a threat to society as it tries to monitor users of the Internet and others who do not even currently own a computer... Therefore, computer controls everyone which is exactly the same thing as telescreen does--spy. Secondly, it is the symbol of the bad luck to Winston. Every time he looks at the telescreen, in the deep of his heart feel the scare, no freedom. One night Winston dreams about, his mother and sister, who had starved to death in the war, because he had been so greedy. Then he dreams of having sex with a girl he has seen in the Records Department, during the Two Minute Hate. Early in the morning Winston is waken up by the harsh voice from the telescreen, after such a bad dream night, the f...

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