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night without end

The setting of this book is four hundred miles north of the Arctic Circle in Greenland on the Polar Ice Cap in fierce and extremely harsh climate. A group of men and women go down in a jetliner and they have to try to survive in temperatures of forty below. Six men and four women go through the most horrible climate imaginable and eventually survive. The kicker is that the plane did not just crash but was murder some of the passengers try to figure out who shot the pilot which caused the plane to crash into the ice cap of Greenland. The book is called night without end because every minute of everyday for the six days the people are on the polar ice cap. Eventually the passengers with the help of scientists from a research lab on the polar ice cap survive and their lives are returned to normal.This is the second book this reader has read written by this great author Alistair MacLean. MacLean most certainly knows what he’s writing about. Each little detail is in its place and everything is understandable. This book is another thriller / adventure written by MacLean. There is so much action in this book a reader will not be able to put it down without wondering what is going to happen next. This book would be very interesting to a reader who has knowledge or wants to learn about the arctic climate and what it takes to survive in a climate so harsh and how a person must strive and give one-hundred percent to survive out in the arctic.A reader who reads this book will learn a lot about the climate of the Arctic Circle, which covers the northern part of Greenland. They will also learn about the researchers, which brave the harsh climate of Greenland to find out what’s going on in the world and how the earth was formed. This reader learned how the planes are flown through colder weather for safety purposes. This book will teach any reader a ton of information and this reader suggests that any reader who wants to not j...

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