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At the end of world war 2 the united states dropped and atomic bomb on the shores of Hiroshima. What would have happened if the government weren’t allowed the right to expose part of the human population to a serious health risk in order to protect them at large? How would they have been able to test the bomb before it was dropped? Terry Tempest William’s essay The Clan of One Breasted Woman. Argue and show why the government shouldn’t test health-threatening weapons. Williams’s family had a problem of all the woman at some point of their lives suffered form breast cancer that later put them 6 feet under ground. No one female family member understood why she suffered this problem. William at first thought it was heredity but she later leant it wasn’t. William’s found out that government nuclear weapons were being tested in the area that she lived in. Williams is now contaminated with the cancer and blames the government for it. Through her sufferings and the suffering of other woman who share the same problem they formed a protesting group against the government practicing nuclear weapons that spread radiation in public areas, they call themselves The Clan of the One Breasted Woman. The clan that these women organized is unacceptable. The government should have the right to test weapons even if it means putting part of the population at a serious health risk. The government can’t worry about the lives of a small town. They have to worry about the whole country first. This problem doesn’t only occur in the testing of nuclear weapons but also with vaccines on animals. The government in hope tries to find a cure for a certain disease to help save more than half the population. But with that finding they must test several different vaccines that might have bad side affects or might even be piousness. These vaccines are later tested on animals before they are on human. At times the animals ca...

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