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my best friends wedding

My Best Friends Wedding You never know what you have until you reach out and its no longer there. This quote was given by an unknown source. This isexactly what Jules is experiencing with her best friend Michael. Juleswent out with Michael for like a month and he fell in love with her,they broke up, and he fell in love with someone else; Kimmy. Kimmyis perfect in every way, shes sweet, bright-eyed, smart, wealthy, andmore. Jules does not like Kimmy that much because Kimmy is soirritatingly perfect, yet Jules is the maid of honor. In a distinct sort ofway, Jules is jealous. George, Jules editor, and gay best friend, ispretty much the only sane person in the movie. He trys to tell Julesthat it wont work out, and has no chance, but she is determined. Allin all, everyone in this movie has bad communication skills andshould work on them. While sitting in the restaurant, Jules says to George sophomore year at Brown, me and Michael had this relationship, thatlasted one hot month...... while she was saying this, she was twistingher hair around her finger, and kind of apprehensive abouteverything. Everything that you do while talking is pretty much badcommune skills. Like if you fold your arms your supposedly closingthe person out that you are talking to. But I dont think that closespeople out. I think that if you sit there and roll your eyes, or if youreyes wander, thats not a good communication skills because, itmakes you look like you are not paying attention to the person youare listening to. Not everyone is perfect when speaking to others but all of thecharacters in this movie have bad people skills. In order to perform amore productive conversation there are a few things you mustremember NOT to do while speaking/listening. You should not twistyour hair around your finger or eat your hair. If you keep ringingyoure hands out, you wont have any hands to ring out. Every oncein a while, look at the person that you are havi...

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