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Focus: Performing Dynamics Objectives: Students will be able to respond to loud and soft in a song Students will understand sequence in the song Materials: - “The Dinosaur Dance” (Stereo Vocal) CD 2-19 from The Music Connection - Queue cards or chalk (chalk board) Introduction: Talk to the class about how dinosaurs vary from each other in many ways. Tell them that some are big, some are small, some stand on four legs, some stand on two legs, some have spikes, some fly, etc. Then tell them that we are going to listen to a song called the dinosaur dance. 1.Before playing the song “The Dinosaur Dance” explain to the students that there are six different movements for the dinosaurs in this song. Tell them to try to remember them.2.Listen to the recording of “The Dinosaur Dance.” When the song is finished, ask the students if they remember the movements. Review the movements with them as they answer and place them in order on cards or on the chalkboard: 1) lift knee; 2) wiggle toes; 3) lift hand; 4) touch nose; 5) wag tail; and 6) hold stance. -Encourage the children to model the shape and size of their favorite dinosaur when they are asked to hold the stance in the song.3.Play the song again for the students. This time, encourage them to:-Stand and move in place when they listen to the music-Discover a place in the song where the dinosaurs will move with light, delicate movements followed by a place in the song where they will move with heavy, strong movements. Point out to the students that the music will give you clues when this happens. The music gets louder when it is heavy and soft when it is a delicate movement. Have them model this when they feel it is the appropriate time in the song.-Remind the students that their movements should be frozen briefly into a statue of their favorite dinosaur on the words hold your dinosaur stance. 4.Find a large space where the c...

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