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morning after pill

The morning after pill has been discussed among a lot of people but do most people know what this pill does. Studies have shown that mifepristone also known as the morning after pill to be 95 percent effective at terminating early pregnancy. Also, doctors who are trained to determine the duration of the pregnancy can only distribute the morning after pill. Physicians can also use mifpristone to provide a surgical abortion in the event that the pill fails. Abortions with mifepristone can cause painful cramping, nausea and bleeding that may last for several days. About one in 100 women may experience bleeding so heavy that surgery is required to stop it. These side effects and the fact that the morning after pill takes longer to terminate a pregnancy than a surgical method are downsides that may advise against not using the pill. "Most people think you take the pill and the pregnancy is gone, and nothing else is involved," said Dr. Deborah Oyer, a family doctor with Aurora Medical Services in Seattle. " Women who have gone through a spontaneous miscarriage know it doesn't feel good." The morning after pill has many disadvantages but may also have advantages. The morning after pill has many advantages but who knows what these advantages are. On September 28, 2000 their was a debate , the U.S. Food and Drug Administrators on Thursday approved the abortion pill RU-486 for American women. Physicians may be able to offer the drug, to be sold under the brand name Mifprex, in as soon as a month. This drug can induce an abortion in the first seven weeks of pregnancy. United States say, this will forver change the state of abortion services in America, giving women a safe and private alternative surgical abortion. Also, this can be used to terminate a pregnancy immediately whereas surgical abortions are generally not performed until eight weeks. The FDA will require that each women who is considering mifepristone be given a medical brochure det...

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