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mcdonalds vs bk

Burger KingOrganizational DiagnosisbyFastalk ConsultantsIn diagnosing the McDonald's organization, the first issue we will examine is theircompany goals. McDonald's has a goal of one hundred percent total customer satisfaction. However, they do realize that this goal is not always attainable. Therefore, if for any reason theydo not meet that goal, they will do whatever it takes to correct their mistake. McDonald's has asecond company goal that sets them apart from most of their competitors. McDonald's wasfounded on the principle of giving back to the community, and that remains one of their primarygoals today. Through their charities, Ronald McDonald’s House and Ronald McDonald’sChildren's Charities, McDonald's has pumped millions of dollars back into the community over theyears.McDonald's customer service policy is laid out in the McDonald's Guarantee. TheMcDonald's Guarantee states, "Your food will be hot. Your service will be fast and friendly. Andyour drive-thru orders will be double-checked right. If you're not satisfied, we'll make it right. Oryour next meal is on us. Guaranteed."The customer service procedures of McDonald's are centered on focusing on onecustomer at a time. They are more concerned with the quality of the service than the speed of theservice. Employees usually take only one order at a time. They then prepare that order while thecustomers wait. After the present customer is satisfied, they move on to the next customer. Thisprocedure allows great accuracy and quality, but lacks speed.McDonald's climate was not very appealing. Everything appeared to be focused aroundthe business instead of the customers. Employees were working at a rapid pace, but it seemedlike they had no time for customers. They acted as if it was a burden for them to stop and answera simple question or refill a drink. The atmosphere was also very noisy. There was constantbeeping, banging, and yelling coming from the ...

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