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management monitoring

As technology in the twenty first century reaches numerous unprecedented heights, managers have proportionately discovered the need to install monitoring and surveillance systems in their workspaces. From the perspective of the employees these devices can be construed as a form of privacy invasion or lack of trust. Managers and employees, on the average, generally have a different take on such devices. These devices provide them with many tools that enhance the performance and productivity of the entire organization. Whatever stance you choose to take, it is important that both managers and employees realize that such devices are becoming more readily available and used in the working environment. The use of these devices is so steadily on the rise that managers almost have to implement them to adapt to technological advances and to Monitoring and surveillance, in one form or the other, has been utilized by managers for quite some time. A classic example is the time clock, which monitors when employees arrive and leave for work. Tardiness and overtime efforts are recorded by this method. Another example would be the bell on the some of the older cash registers that allow storeowners to know when they are open. A third example is mileage that many organizations utilize to regulate travel in company cars. These could all be considered controlling devices. But monitoring devices over the last decade have become much more advanced. Telephone conversations are being monitored.Employees that-wear headsets are finding that those conversations are frequently being listened to as well. Phone logs are being used to traffic all outgoing calls. Many companies also use what is called pen register that enables them to monitor outgoing phone calls from specific numbers within the workspace. More than anything, perhaps the most "Orwellian" of all, computers are consistently monitored by managers. Some of the programs, tactics, and methods of mon...

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