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louis riel

Louis Riel was the first child of Louis Riel Pere and Julie Lagimodire. He was born October 22, 1844 in St. Boniface. His mother was the seventh child of Jean-Baptiste Lagimodire and Marie-Anne Gaboury. Louis Riel Pere had been born at Ile--la-Crosse in 1817. He was the son of Jean-Baptiste Riel dit l’Irlande and Marguerite Boucher. Both of Louis Riel’s parents were Catholics.Louis Riel spent his childhood on the east bank of the Red River, on the property of his Lagimodire grandparents. He grew up with the Mtis. He was extremely aware of his identity. At the age of ten, he began his education, and started studying at the school run by the Christian Brothers. Going to Montreal on June 1, 1858, with his Sister Valade. They travelled for five weeks before arriving in Montreal on July 5. In Montreal, Louis was admitted to the College de Montreal run by the Gentlemen of St. Sulpice. This is where he studied an eight year course of studies, which included Latin, Greek, French, English, Philosophy and Science. Louis was an excellent student and, placed himself at the top of his class. He was full of grief by the death of his father, on January 1864. Although he continued his studies, his instructors found that his attitude had changed. In March 1865, he left the College de Montreal. He was granted permission to continue his studies as a student while living with Nuns. After breaking the rules several times and repeatedly missing class, he was asked to leave both the College and the convent.The world which faced him as he left the College was full with strong political activity. During this period, Louis lived with his aunt, Lucie Riel, and managed to find employment in the law office. Louis fell in love with Marie Julie Guernon and even signed a marriage contract. However, this was quickly broken off as Marie's parents were against their daughter marrying a Metis. Louis made his way to Chicago and St. Paul. He arrived in St....

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