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Lord of the Flies2

Symbols Imagine a bunch of young children's lives changed by being trapped on a island with no civilization around. William Golding shows how terrifying it can be in Lord Of The Flies, the novel that brings symbolism above all to the emotions of all that read it. The symbols that bring out themeaning the best are the leadership skills, the fire and theconch. First, are the leadership skills, as are shown in thebook, Ralph has. Ralph in the novel has many ideas,leadership skills, and has the force he needs to create abetter place and try to get them all home. There are threemajor quotes that prove that Ralph has what it takes. Thisfirst one shows he has good ideas and can enforce what hethinks should happen. "Shut up," said Ralph absently. Helifted the conch. "Seem to me we ought to have a cheif todecide things(#22)." He also shows he can be a good cheifand make them listen with a wave of a hand. "Ralph smiledand held up the conch for silence(#23)." Lastly, whenRalph blows the conch, as though a force is pulling themnearer, the children go to him. "By the time Ralph hadfinished blowing the conch the platform wascrowded(#32)." Next, one of the bigger symbols is the fire.Enforcing the rules is one thing, but the children wouldrather play than keep the fire going. Ralph gives the idea forthe fire, but can they keep it going? " There's another thing.We can help them to find us. If a ship comes near the islandthey might not notice us. We must make a fire(#38)." Jackhas a great idea to use Piggy's glasses to light the fire." Jackpointed suddenly. "His specs-use them as burning glasses(#40)!" Jack has a obsession of hunting and it turns to thechoir as well. They have the responsibility to keep the firegoing, but they get side tracked, go hunting and the firegoes out. "There was a ship. Out there. You said you'dkeep the fire going and you let it out!" He took a steptowards Jack who turned and faced him. "They might haveseen us. We might have g...

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