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Leisure is defined as freedom from the demands of work or duty. Everybodyneeds leisure in their lives, to balance the stress of work and life. Leisure helpsre-energize and relax people, so they can perform activities well in their lives. Peopleuse their free time (leisure time) in a variety of different ways; engaging in outdooractivities, entertainment like watching movies or television, or just having time tothemselves.. Another activity people enjoy doing is just socializing with family andfriends. Leisure is an essential part of our lives, and the only problem with leisure iswhen can we enjoy it? In our society we have a hard time finding time to relax and takea break from our stressful lives.The amount of leisure time a person has can be related to the type of person thatcertain individual is. There are many factors in which you can take in account: age, marital status, gender, families, etc. These factors figure into the certain stage of apersons life. There are three stages, beginning, mid-career, and near-retirement. Thebeginning stage involves people from the ages ranging from 19-30 years old. Theseindividuals are just beginning their careers and are striving to be successful. They spendmore time focusing on their job, trying to find ways to advance, and less time relaxingand enjoying leisure time. They compensate their leisure time for their careers. Mid-career stage includes individuals ranging from 30-50 years old. In this stage peoplehave been in their field for some years and are settled down with families. In this time oftheir lives they will be looking for more leisure time, because they are going to want timeaway from work and time to be with their families. They basically know what theirstatus is at their job and now find time to slow down and start focusing on other aspectsin their lives. They might do this by cutting back on the hours they work a week. Thenear-retirement stage are individuals rang...

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