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A day in the life of an attorney. Its said that its the last jobyou'll ever want. (source 1) Over thirty percent of lawyerswho receive their law degrees are not practicing lawregularly ten years after graduation. Attorneys can work upto eighteen hours a day and more than three thousandhours in a year on cases. (source 1) Lawyers also spendtime in law libraries or record rooms, in the homes andoffices of clients, and sometimes in jail cells. (source 22) Some courts, such as small claims, family, or surrogate,may have evening hours to provide flexibility to thecommunity. Criminal arraignments may be held at any timeof the day or night. Court hours are usually 9:00 - 5:00 witha one hour lunch break for most lawyers and judges. (source22) Many of them spend their first few years finding out ifthey want to focus on transactional work or not like a districtattorney, prosecutor or probate lawyers. (source 1) Thenumber of people in the profession of an attorney are about656,000, the percentage of them that are male is 70%. Thepercentage of women is 30%. Average hours worked perweek is about 50,average starting salary $49,000, after 5years $80,000, after 10-15 years $115,000. (source 1) Lately salaries for lawyers have gone up. Law firms such asElkins L.L.P announced this summer it would offer rookieattorneys $90,500 starting pay. (source 2) "We are allcompeting for the same law students." (source 2) Now mostof the other firms in Dallas decided that they must raise theirsalaries by 20% In order to attract first rate lawyers. (source2) These firms exceed more then 400 lawyers. (source 2) For the first year,an inexperienced lawyer may be paid$75,000. (source 2) The strong economy and growingdemand for lawyers in some corporate-law areas, such asfinance, litigation and health care, are driving the fee toincreases, Crocker said. (source 16) The key is getting thetop talent. If your firm doesn't follow suit your firm will slowlyd...

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